Monday, 27 June 2016

The End is Nigh

So, it happened. The thing that nobody thought could happen, not even the people campaigning for it to happen. And yet, a majority voted for it. Makes sense, right? NO! NO! NO!
It makes no sense at all. Or is it me? Am I missing something crucial in this logic?
Let me just clarify this in my mind - LOTS OF THE PEOPLE WHO VOTED TO LEAVE ARE NOW SHOCKED THAT WE ARE GOING TO LEAVE.  In fact, quite a few have even said they're not really sure they actually, deep down, hand on heart honestly wanted to leave.  They just wanted to let David Cameron know they were fed up with him and his nasty austerity measures and the fact that he NEVER EVER LISTENS!  Well, he's listening now.  Only it's too late. Whoops ...
I know I sound a little irked, are you sensing it too?  The truth is, I'm very very sad.  Let me be straight with you; while it's ok being British, I really like the idea of being European.
I like the idea of Tapas and Croissants (well I did before the Atkins Diet anyway), and Schnitzel and Tiramisu, and herring and Dutch Apple Pie ... oh Dutch Apple Pie.  In two years time will we be back to a life of meat and two veg and cheese and pineapple on sticks?  Will the heady days of Lidl's speciality weeks be but a thing of the past? Will we yearn for Polish Week when sausages with unpronouncable names were winking at us tantalisingly from the shelves? Or Spanish week, with an abundance of Jamon Serrano and Manchego Cheese?  Or Greek week?  One of my personal favourites,
It's not looking good, chaps!  While the economy is in a state of flux, and Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is bandied about ominously, take the opportunity to consider the real impact of our exit from the EU. And when you've done that, get up to Lidl quick smart, and start stock-piling.