It was my birthday yesterday. And if there's anyone out there sending birthday wishes now that I've told you, I thank you most heartily. But I have to say, as each year passes, it seems that the spin about age and 'it's only a number', blah, blah, blah is wearing a little thin. And the truth of the matter is, it's not just the superficial that is beginning to worry me - you know, the lines that you can see even in low light. the cellulite that is valiantly resisting all attempts to obliterate it, and the fact that without a doubt, you (or I) will never look thirty again, or even forty. But that's not the worst of it. It is beginning to dawn on me that time is ticking on and that I am accumulating an ever-increasing to do list, and if I don't crack on with it quick smart then I may not get through it, or by the time I have the time, I'll have given up caring anyway. Or worse still, I'll be old and decrepit and become one of those bitter old bags who regrets all the things she never did with her life.
So what is the solution? Well, the way I see it I have two options;
Number one: I stop procrastinating and get on with it.
Number two - burn the list, forget about it, eat some cake and go back to looking at vintage mirrors on Ebay.
As tempting as I find Number two I have realized one other thing about growing older. The truth is, with age does come a bit of wisdom, and self awareness - whether we like it or, and whether we acknowledge it or not.
And so, I choose Number one. I choose life and living it. We only get one after all, and it might be short so what's the point of wasting it? So bye bye, I'm off. To go and do one thing that will make a difference. And even thought it may not be your birthday, and you may not have a list of your own, perhaps today's the day to follow your dreams too.So good luck, good bye and have a most fabulous day!
So what is the solution? Well, the way I see it I have two options;
Number one: I stop procrastinating and get on with it.
Number two - burn the list, forget about it, eat some cake and go back to looking at vintage mirrors on Ebay.
As tempting as I find Number two I have realized one other thing about growing older. The truth is, with age does come a bit of wisdom, and self awareness - whether we like it or, and whether we acknowledge it or not.
And so, I choose Number one. I choose life and living it. We only get one after all, and it might be short so what's the point of wasting it? So bye bye, I'm off. To go and do one thing that will make a difference. And even thought it may not be your birthday, and you may not have a list of your own, perhaps today's the day to follow your dreams too.So good luck, good bye and have a most fabulous day!